What is Agile Working?


When people talk about agile or flexible working they instinctively focus on flexible hours, hot-desking or home working. This leads us to ask do we have a real understanding of the terminology. What is agile working? How is it different from hot-desking or flexible working?

We’ve done some research and found that whatever the differences in opinion over definition the idea of agile working is to create more efficient and effective organisations based on balanced, motivated, innovative and productive teams and individuals. These ingredients are most important for surviving and thriving in the challenging global world of today. Twentieth century working methods are no longer appropriate for organisations today, and so agile working is no longer a fringe idea but a mainstream concept that no organisation can afford to ignore.
We found an invaluable article published by Overbury, an office fit-out specialist, that helps to explain the differences in the various terms used for modern working practices - Here: Agile Working V’s Hot-desking.
And if you are really interested and want to delve a little deeper this 40 page document published by the RICS will make for great bedtime reading. “Property in the Economy : Agile Working”

Image courtesy of Overbury.